A new Archdeacon of Montgomery has been appointed following the retirement of his predecessor.

The Bishop of St Asaph has announced that Rev Gerwyn Capon will take up the post as head of the Archdeaconry of Montgomery, which includes communities stretching from Newtown and Welshpool in Powys to Bala and Cerrigydrudion in Gwynedd and Ruabon and Bangor-on-Dee in Wrexham.

Originally from Anglesey, Rev Capon is currently a priest in the Diocese of Chelmsford in the Church of England but plans to move to Berriew in August to take up the position as he will be installed as Archdeacon in a service in St Asaph Cathedral on Sunday, September 1.

He said: “I am looking forward enormously to coming home to Wales and being able to minister in the places where my own vocation as a priest was fostered originally.

"I have a huge affection for the Church in Wales, and I am delighted that I will be sharing the journey of faith among the communities of the Archdeaconry of Montgomery and the wider Teulu Asaph.


“I am particularly eager to begin working with and supporting my new ministerial colleagues who I am sure will have so much to teach me.”

Rev Capon has been appointed to the position following the retirement of the current Archdeacon, Dr Barry Wilson, who will end his time as head of the Archdeaconry in August.

The Bishop of St Asaph, the Rt Revd Gregory Cameron said: “I am delighted that Gerwyn has accepted the offer to become the next Archdeacon of Montgomery. Gerwyn is a dedicated priest, and a born Welshman, who will relate incredibly well to the people of our diocese.”

Rev Capon also has a background as a chartered surveyor, which former Bishop of Liverpool James Jones once joked would be useful should he ever become an Archdeacon.

Rev Capon added: Since that joke I have had very little to do with building projects or building committees, but I have no doubt that the experience gained from my background will be very useful.

“Church buildings are very important to me as places of encounter with God. Architecture and the stillness of holy places, often with such rich history dating from the Age of Saints, can help us connect with God in our own day and to begin to see what he might have to say to us.”