WORK implementing phase two of an active travel scheme to enhance routes for walkers and cyclists in a Powys town begins next week – but locals have reiterated that the entire project is “farcical”.

Phase 2 of the A483 Llandrindod to Howey Active Travel Path will start on Monday, June 10.

The work is being carried out to improve the shared use path alongside the A483 linking Llandrindod Wells to Howey, with the work comprising a section between the Grosvenor Road and Ridgebourne Drive junctions.

The first phase of the joint Welsh Government-North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NMWTRA) scheme began in October 2022 and saw the route from the Auto Palace roundabout to just after Grosvenor Road developed.

County Times:  Phase 2 of the work comprises a section between the Grosvenor Road and Ridgebourne Drive junctions. Phase 2 of the work comprises a section between the Grosvenor Road and Ridgebourne Drive junctions. (Image: Geograph/Jaggery.)

The project is part of Powys-wide plans to enable more people to undertake active travel for short journeys to villages close to major county towns, instead of using motorised vehicles, as part of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013.

It requires highways authorities to make enhancements to routes and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in all new road schemes and to have regard to the needs of walkers and cyclists in a range of other highway authority functions.

Some Llandrindod residents, however, have branded the idea a “total waste of money” and a “vanity project”.

“I was hoping the money for the Ridgebourne phase would be used to revert that last stage back to how it was before it was altered and messed up the whole road layout,” said Jamie Jones, a Llandrindod town councillor.

“Just because money is available it shouldn’t be spent on projects that no-one wanted or needed in the first place.

“I have still not seen a single cyclist on that wide footpath.”


Mr Jones was responding to a Facebook post from Llandrindod county councillor Pete Roberts, who posted on Tuesday a link to a letter from the NMWTRA informing him of next week’s start date.

“It’s a total waste of money and valuable resources when councils across Wales are once again underfunded and looking to save £10 million this year,” added Stephen Griffiths.

“It makes me laugh that they think by building this farcical active travel route, people are going to ditch their cars and cycle to school, work or shop.

“The only thing it will cause is an accident between cyclists and residents.

“Absolutely no thought has been put into the wellbeing of those living along the route. It's an absolute disgrace.”

Caroline Phillips asked: “If money is to be spent in Powys, shouldn't it be spent on what is wanted/needed by the residents instead of on stupid vanity projects?”

County Times:  The first phase of the scheme began in October 2022 and saw the route from the Auto Palace roundabout to just after Grosvenor Road developed. The first phase of the scheme began in October 2022 and saw the route from the Auto Palace roundabout to just after Grosvenor Road developed.

Councillor Roberts said he had contacted the NMWTRA voicing the concerns of his constituents and will be seeking a site meeting to discuss how disruption can be kept to an absolute minimum.

In the letter from the NMWTRA, the completion date for Phase 2 is set as October 31 this year.

“This could result in a higher than usual level of noise at intervals and I take this opportunity in apologising in advance for any inconvenience incurred,” said a spokesperson.

“Temporary two-way traffic lights will be required 24 hours a day throughout the works, with occasional three-way traffic control necessary where works are located adjacent to side-road junctions.

“Full consideration has been given to the impact of the work on road users, residents and work force.

“Information signs will be erected prior to the works advising the travelling public of the works.”

Further information, including regular updates, can be obtained on the Welsh Government's traffic information service website at

To discuss the matter further, contact Traffic Wales on 0300 123 1213.