A POWYS company and two of its senior figures will pleaded to 45 charges of environmental breaches in November, a judge has ruled.

James Edward Potter and David Williams of Sundorne Products (Llanidloes) Ltd, in Llanidloes, both appeared at Mold Crown Court on Friday, expected to enter pleas to the allegations.

However, Judge Niclas Parry agreed to postpone their arraignment after he was told the case will require expert evidence, which had not yet been commissioned.


Judge Parry accepted the view that pleas could not be entered while that evidence was not available.

Judge Parry also delayed setting a trial date until expert evidence had been served, and request that this is done by Friday, September 13 ahead of an October date.

Then, he said, on Friday, November 1 the pair plus the company, would be expected to enter pleas ahead of a possible trial in 2025.

Both men originally appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates Court in March this year charged with 18 offences in a case brought by Natural Resources Wales.

County Times:

The offences relate to contravening environmental permits and forging documents at its Bryn Posteg landfill site, near Llanidloes.

Potter, of Leighton, near Welshpool, is a director at the company, while Williams, of Hope Hours, Welshpool, is one of its principal officers.

The offences are alleged to have been committed between January 2014 and April 2019.