A TEENAGER got behind the wheel of his father’s car after being egged on by his friends, having been “drinking all day”.

Dylan Vellacott, 19, was seen revving his father’s Vauxhall Astra in Llandrindod Wells on December 19 last year, and was later found in a nearby pub.

Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court heard last week that Vellacott deals with autism and, as a result of his condition, had been persuaded by friends to get into his dad’s car.

Vellacott, of Trefonen Avenue, Llandrindod, admitted being in charge of vehicle while unfit through drink when he appeared at court last Wednesday, May 22.


“Police became aware of the teenager entering his father’s car without a licence, and that he may have been drinking,” said prosecutor James Sprunks.

“PC Patton and Dinwoodie attended the scene at Trefonnen Avenue, but found the defendant had left the scene and gone to the Hampton Hotel.

“He appeared intoxicated and provided a positive reading (on a breathalyser).

“A witness said he could hear a car revving. He saw the defendant, who he knew, sat in a vehicle, revving.

“He went to speak to him, he appeared intoxicated and was aggressive. He said he was going to the Hampton and he was located there.

“He told police officers ‘I have been drinking all day’.”

County Times:

A reading showed Vellacott had 73 micrograms of alcohol in his system – the legal limit is 35 micrograms.

Geraint Parry, acting for the defendant, said: "He is remorseful. He has just turned 19 and lacks maturity.

“On this day, two friends told him to get in his dad’s car and rev it."

Magistrates placed 10 points on the teen’s driving licence. He was also fined £80 and must pay £85 costs as well as a £32 surcharge.