A POWYS man chased his ex-girlfriend out of the chip shop where he worked following a falling out, ripping open her car door and battering the windscreen, in an incident that “petrified” her.

Brian Jones, 24, appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court last week, where he admitted one charge of using threatening behaviour towards the victim on March 18.

The court heard Jones was working in a chippy called The Fish Bar at around 5.45pm, when his ex walked in.

“The victim and defendant were in a relationship from March 2023, separating in December,” said prosecutor James Sprunks.

“The defendant works at The Fish Bar. On March 18 the victim attended the chippy, she could see the defendant was working.


“She was on the phone to her friend when she went into the chippy. She asked for a medium chips and described how the defendant then ‘started going on at her’.

“He said ‘are you just going to f*****g ignore me’. He began shouting at her, so she left.”

Mr Sprunks said the defendant then chased down the road after her when she started driving away.

“She got in the car and as she was reversing, he was coming out of the shop,” said Mr Sprunks.

“He was running towards her. She drove away. When she reached the junction, she stopped, she could see in her mirror that he was still running.

“Then, he ripped open the driver’s door, she slammed the door shut. He punched the rear windscreen three times, though it didn’t break. She was petrified.”

Acting for the defendant, of Radnor Drive, Knighton, Richard Morgan asked magistrates to accept his client’s apologies.

Mr Morgan said: “The relationship came to an end, but they would meet each other out socially.

“He received an abrupt message from the victim ending the relationship.

County Times:

“His mental health isn’t particularly good. He suffers from PTSD, as well as anxiety and depression. He felt she was putting unrealistic expectations on him.

“She had a lot of his personal belongings and she also called him toxic and a narcissist.

“He accepts she would have been distressed but he didn’t seek to cause damage or distress.”

Magistrates fined Jones £120 and told him to pay £85 costs and a £36 surcharge.