Recently you published that Powys County Council were going to spend more money on widening the pavements around the Tesco area, which would incorporate a cycle path.

I have nothing against cyclists, but we the motorists pay road tax to drive on our roads/streets, so wouldn’t the money be better off on resurfacing our streets?

Not that I have driven up a railway line, but I would imagine it would be like driving around our streets.

The Tories promised millions of pounds to resurface the roads across the UK. I asked myself what is the point in us having a Tory MP and a Tory assembly member, when they do nothing for Welshpool, except posing for photos outside the banking hub, nor do they bring government money to the area?

I have to ask where is my and other people of Welshpool money going when they buy their road tax.


Our streets are that bad to the point that if I had my wheels tracked at Ballards garage and drove around the town, by the time I got back to Ballards garage, I would need my wheels tracked again, are PCC going to refund people for having their wheels tracked, broken springs etc.

Its election year this year and not all of us come from the same background as our MP Craig Williams, I doubt he could survive without us mere mortals, at least when Lembit Opik was our MP, he did something.

I asked him if he could help me with a private matter and guess what, he did it and so in return he got my vote at the next election.

Perhaps the County Times could run a survey across Montgomeryshire to see how people across the county think about the condition of our roads, the problem is not just not here in Welshpool, then the County Times could print the result of the survey.
Nicholas Davies