Pupils at a Powys primary school were praised for their kindness in a recent Estyn report.

Churchstoke C.P. School was praised by Estyn inspectors for the good standard of behaviour amongst their pupils.

In their report Estyn inspectors said: “The consistent sensitivity and respect shown by staff towards pupils is reflected in pupils’ kindness towards their peers and in the good standard of behaviour evident across the school.”

Staff were praised for their work with the children, where inspectors found “Teachers provide a stimulating variety of learning experiences that enable pupils to develop a broad range of skills and to build their knowledge and understanding appropriately over time.

“They make worthwhile use of engaging visits and visitors to enrich pupils’ learning beneficially.


“Most pupils form positive working relationships with staff. They feel safe in school and are confident that staff will help them with any difficulties or worries they experience.

“Staff know their pupils well and develop strong, supportive relationships within a nurturing learning environment. They treat all pupils equally and with respect. Staff manage pupils’ behaviour sensitively in classes and around the school and provide highly effective support that helps pupils to be ready to learn and to make progress in lessons.”

There were, however, concerns raised about the curriculum at the school which the inspectors thought were not always challenging enough.

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READ MORE: Llanidloes Primary School's Estyn inspection report

They added: “The school is at a relatively early stage in developing its curriculum and is working towards matching the principles of Curriculum for Wales.

“The curriculum lacks overall coherence and too many learning experiences are not matched well enough to the needs and interests of all pupils.

“As a result, pupils are not always motivated or challenged to make the progress they could. Staff develop pupils’ reading, numeracy, digital and Welsh language skills effectively.

“However, pupils do not write at length often enough to develop the range and quality of their written work fully.”