A TEENAGER from Newtown has denied kidnapping a woman and will face trial later this year.

Oliwier Goral, 19, is charged with six offences in total, and entered not guilty pleas to four of them when he appeared at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court on Friday, May 24.

Goral, of Plantation Close, Newtown, denied the kidnapping in Newtown on November 21, 2022. The charge states Goral unlawfully and by force or fraud took or carried the alleged victim away against her will.

He also denied making threats to kill; stalking; and stealing a mobile phone.

County Times:

He initially appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on April 24, where no pleas were entered. On the original charge sheet the date of the incident indicated it occurred on November 22, but on the indictment in Merthyr it was amended to November 21.

Judge Richard Kember set Goral’s trial, expected to last 4 days, down to start on December 9.

His conditional bail, which states he must not contact the alleged victim via any means, was extended until then.