A Powys football club has applied to the council for permission to install a spectator stand which would allow disabled supporters to watch their team in person.

Llanidloes Town FC have submitted a planning application to Powys County Council that could see a new stand for up to 80 people, including disabled access provision.

The club are aiming to ensure disabled supporters and visitors have good access and inclusion at the Victoria Avenue sports venue.

Few details about the proposed disabled access have been included in the current planning application which was received by the council on May 2 but Llanidloes Town FC said it is a reapplication of its 2019 planning application.

Five years ago, the club was successful in getting permission to build the stand next to its grandstand which needed to be in the process of being built by March 2024.


At the time, Llanidloes Town Council supported the application, adding that the football club is a “major asset to the town and any improvement will make the area more beneficial to spectators”.

Powys County Council planning officer Luke Jones approved the application for the “modest” spectator stand measuring around 15.2 metres in length and 4.1 metres in width, and finished with box profile sheeting in a green colour for the the roof and walls with blockwork below the profile sheeting on the walls.  

“Llanidloes Town Football Club is a valuable community facility within the town,” he said in his report from March 2019.

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“The proposed development is considered to be modest in scale given the scale of the existing football pitch and existing stand.

“The proposed stand will have a capacity of 80 standing spectators and will offer an area of cover for people wanting to stand and watch the football.

“It is acknowledged that the football pitch already has two existing stands, however the proposed stand is for existing supporters who are wanting to stand to watch the football.”

Comments for the application 24/0566/FUL can be submitted online or to planning.representations@powys.gov.uk.