THE speed limit of a stretch of road on the outskirts of Guilsfield near Welshpool is set to be dropped to 40mph after work on an affordable home development started there.

Developer Williams Homes (Bala) has already started work on the site at Tan y Gaer where 28 affordable homes will be built after planning permission was given to the project last month.

Once built It is expected that the houses will be be handed over to the Clwyd Alyn Housing Association.

The field where the houses will be built fronts onto a sweeping corner of the B4392 road where the speed limit is currently 60 mph.


Road safety concerns were raised during consultation phase of the planning application that there could be the “potential for accidents” due to how close the site is to the entrance to the village.

In light of the scheme, a traffic regulation order extending the 40mph buffer zone on the stretch of road has been prepares and is recommended to be implemented next month.

On Wednesday, May 29, Powys County Council’s cabinet member for highways and transport, Liberal Democrat Cllr Jackie Charlton will receive a report and is expected to sign off on the speed limit change.

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Powys traffic officer north Chris Lloyd said: “One of the developer’s obligations with respect to the outline planning consent is to draw up and fund a scheme to introduce a 40mph speed restriction along the B4392 prior to the commencement of any works within the development site.

“The reserved matters consent was approved on the April 26 by the local planning authority.

“The proposed speed limit for the 40mph buffer zone were included amongst the drawings submitted as part of that reserved matters application."

Mr Lloyd explained that traffic speed surveys along the B4392 between  Guilsfield and the village of Arddleen showed that the average traffic speeds along this section of road supported the introduction of a 40mph speed limit.

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Mr Lloyd added that the fee to process the traffic order has been paid as long ago as December 5.

The applicants would also be paying for the new signage and road markings required of the new speed limit.

The report adds that Dyfed-Powys Police support the new speed limit as does the Powys County Councillor for Guilsfield, Conservative Cllr Ian Harrison.

If the decision is not called in for scrutiny by Powys councillors, it will come into force five days after the decision is taken – which would be on June 5.