A POWYS man must adhere to the terms of a sexual harm prevention order for the next 10 years after his concerning sexual behaviour was reported to police.

Magistrates sitting in Welshpool granted an application for a sexual harm prevention order against Richard Steele, of Burgess Close, Welshpool.

Dyfed Powys Police, prosecuting the case, said the application was being made as Steele, 39, had acted in a way that made it necessary for the order to be made.

“It is necessary for such an order to be made to protect the public from harm,” William Griffin, on behalf of the force, told Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, May 21.

Mr Griffin said the unemployed Steele had come to the attention of police due to his unlawful sexual behaviour.


“The defendant has a previous 2003 conviction for child neglect. This makes him a qualifying offender.

“He has acted in such a way as to give reasonable cause for an order to be made.”

Mr Griffin said Steele, who did not attend the hearing, was previously convicted of neglecting a child and he also broke a court order by contacting an underage girl on Facebook.

“She reported concerning behaviour from him,” said Mr Griffin.

County Times:

Mr Griffin said Steele previously came to the attention of police in 2021 when it was found he had two teenage girls staying at his house without their parents’ knowledge. He had also been convicted of sexually assaulting an ex-partner and her friend.

“Detective Constable Elizabeth Evans said the defendant’s behaviour is indicative of repeated behaviour.”

Magistrates granted the sexual harm prevention order and said Steele would be the subject of it for 10 years.

They also ordered that he pay £266 costs.