ROAD safety concerns have led Powys planners to refuse a proposal for more holiday accommodation at a site on the outskirts of Llangurig.

In January, Rhys Jones, of RJ Jones and Co, lodged a planning application with Powys County Council to change the use of land to form an extension to an existing holiday lodge site at Felin Fawr, Llangurig.

Mr Jones wanted to put six more holiday lodges and install a septic tank at the half a hectare site.

This would have been a trebling of the site capacity as a proposal for three holiday lodges that were given the go ahead in 2019.


Planning agents Mathew Hamer, of Hamco Developments, said: “The proposal is for six one bedroom, two person holiday lodges that has the appearance typical holiday lodge appearance on agricultural land adjoining the existing enterprise of holiday lodges at Felin Fawr

“The site is very sustainable by being a short walk from the site to the local village of Llangurig.”

He added that the proposals would be an “extension to a rural enterprise and would “inevitably” help support local businesses and increase tourism in the area.

The site which is just past the roundabout that turns towards Llangurig would be just off the A470 main road which runs all the way down through Wales, starting at Llandudno and finishing at Cardiff Bay.

As part of the consultation process Welsh Government highway authority officials have raised concerns about the proposal.

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They said: “The Welsh Government as highway authority for the A470 directs that planning permission is not granted at this time.”

This is due to a lack of information, and they suggest that Mr Jones needs to clarify the depth and extent of any excavations for the lodge bases in order “to confirm” that they would have no impact on the highway embankment.

The applicants would also need to confirm that the land drains would be located “at least” six metres from the road.

Planning officer Rhian Griffiths said: “In the case of this application, the proposed development is located adjacent to an existing holiday park consisting of three lodges, which this application seeks to further develop.

“Whilst the site is immediately adjacent to the A470, it is not considered to have a detrimental impact upon the landscape.

“The lodges are of typical design, which is appropriate for the site, and will ensure that the development would not cause harm to the wider area.

“It is considered that the principle of development is acceptable.”

On the highway safety issues, Ms Griffiths said: “Amended plans have been submitted and Welsh Government Highways been re-consulted.

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“However, Welsh Government have confirmed that the amendments do not overcome concerns, and that as such, their direction not to grant planning permission remains in place.

“As such, it is considered that the application is contrary to relevant planning policies in respect of highways.”

Due to this she refused the planning application.