The changes to bovine TB slaughter laws in Wales has been welcomed by NFU Cymru.

Cabinet secretary Huw Irranca-Davies announced on Friday, May 17 that farmers can now opt to delay slaughtering heavily pregnant bTB reactor animals until after calving.

In other instances, a delay in reactor removal would be allowed if an animal is near the end of a drug withdrawal period.

NFU Cymru TB focus group chairman Roger Lewis said: "The on-farm slaughter of bTB reactors causes untold distress to farming families across Wales and the emotional impact on those involved cannot be underestimated.

"It is welcome news that the cabinet secretary has listened to our concerns."

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The Bovine TB Technical Advisory Group’s (TAG) full recommendations have been accepted, prompting the initiation of a working group to potentially instigate further policy changes concerning on-farm slaughter.

Roger Lewis urged the Animal and Plant Health Agency to "deliver this policy change without delay" in an effort to minimise distress.

The NFU Cymru still emphasises that more must to done to mitigate the impact of bovine TB on Welsh farming.