One lucky area in Powys has won in today's People's Postcode Lottery.

A postcode in Radnorshire has won in the People's Postcode Lottery daily draw meaning those living in the area could be eligible for substantial cash prize.

The daily draw sees anyone who lives in the lucky postcode with a ticket picking up a £1,000 cash prize.


The lottery works with players signing up with their postcode and paying £12 per month.

Players are then "automatically entered into every draw and prizes are announced every day of the month" with a third of the ticket price goes to charities that help "amazing causes every single day".

The winning postcode in today's draw is LD1 6UE. This covers the area just outside Brynmelyn near Llanbister.

The lottery is hugely popular across the UK and supports "a wide range of charities and good causes across Britain and around the world".

So far the People's Postcode Lottery has raised over £1 billion for good causes across the country and funds thousands of projects for local communities.