GPs have teamed up with a Powys rugby club to raise awareness of testicular cancer.

This April, General Practitioners (GPs) across Mid-Powys are joining forces with Tref-y-Clawdd Rugby Club to spotlight Testicular Cancer Awareness Month as part of the "check your balls" campaign.

"We are thrilled to partner with our local GPs in Mid-Powys, to demonstrate the importance of testicular cancer awareness within our community," explained Seamus Ryan, Chairman of Tref-y-Clawdd Rugby Club

County Times:

"As a club we are deeply committed to the well-being of our members and supporters, we recognise the profound impact that raising awareness and facilitating dialogue can have in saving lives and promoting early detection."


Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men aged 15 to 34, yet awareness about the disease and its early warning signs, remains insufficient.

It is hoped the partnership between healthcare professionals and organisation like Tref-y-Clawdd Rugby Club, might raise awareness and fostering open conversations about testicular health.

"Testicular Cancer Awareness Month presents a perfect opportunity for us as healthcare providers to engage with our community and highlight the importance of proactive health management," said Gareth Ratcliffe, PAVO health promotions facilitator for Mid-Powys.

"By collaborating with Tref-y-Clawdd RFC, we can leverage their platform to reach a broader audience and deliver key messages about the importance of regular self-examinations, early detection, and seeking medical attention when needed."

For more information about Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, please go to