The total cost of renovating Welshpool’s Tourist Information Centre has ballooned to £282,000 in a project that the mayor described as “severely mismanaged”.

At a meeting of Welshpool Town Council, held on Wednesday, February 28, councillors voted on approving the final phase of work for the project to be completed, despite some reservations about the rising cost of the project from its original £100,000 target.

Town Mayor, Cllr Nick Howells, said: “All of us in the room tonight are aware that the project has been severely mismanaged, it hasn’t gone well. But I will use all the old clichés, it is what it is, we’re at a point of no return and need to stop playing the blame game.

“As councillors we must make difficult decisions but it has to be done, such as raising the precept last year. No one was happy, but it had to be done.”


The final part of construction includes constructing a new toilet block at the facility, completing work to turn the Tourist Information Centre into a multi-use facility that would house the council offices as well as offer improved public toilets for the town.

Approximately £151,000 of the total cost will be covered by grants while loans and existing funds have been set aside to cover the remaining £131,000.

Cllr Howells proposed approving the remaining cost of work.

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When the proposal was met with approval from councillors, he added: “Thank you councillors because at last we can get on with this, get it finished and get it off our backs. It’s a huge decision and I know that none of us are happy with it, but it is what it is.”

Some councillors had expressed frustration with various complications around the project at earlier meetings, but agreed to support the proposal in moving ahead with the final phase of construction.

At an earlier finance committee meeting, Cllr Richard Church said: “People are frustrated and angry with the state of this and I understand that.

“We must keep clear heads, be rational and find a way forward that is cost effective and delivers what we want. Welshpool needs public toilets, in my opinion, and if we’re not careful we could end up with a huge public expense and no toilets.

“I hope people can calmly consider the situation and vote on an option that is cost effective and delivers facilities that this town needs.”