A judge has praised a young victim's strength of character and bravery after her abuser was given a suspended jail sentence for twice raping her, because he was 12 at the time of the offences.

The girl, who must have lifelong anonymity, shared the shame she had suffered by some members of her family who isolated her.

Her abuser Ozhan Ongun, now 20, was given a two-year suspended sentence after a jury found him guilty of rape between August 2016 and February 2017, when he was 12 years old. Ongun denied the offences.

His Honour Judge Niclas Parry said: "Having a trial you prolonged the misery, and you should be thoroughly ashamed of that."


He added: "She was significantly affected, and, in her eyes, she’d been disbelieved by those she loved.

"She has shown strength of character and bravery at the highest level. She did that for her self-respect and self-preservation. As a result, her family are realising they were wrong, and she was telling the truth."

Mold Crown Court heard that Ongun showed her pornographic videos of adults having sex on his phone, and that the abuse continued over a period of time.

It came to light when another boy, to whom Ongun had asked sexual questions about the girl, and who was also praised by the judge, flagged it.

In a victim impact statement read out in court by prosecuting barrister Sion ap Mihangel, the girl said she had gained closure having been given "a choice to be heard and be believed".

She added that she was "glad to have gone through this journey" and that it had brought her closer to her immediate family.

The girl said Ongun took advantage of her and "violated her in such a disgusting way", adding that he will be answerable to God.

County Times:

The judge told Ongun, of Crescent Street, Newtown, that he would be sentenced based on his age at the time of the offences. Had he been an adult, he would have faced at least 10 years in prison.

Instead, he was given a two-year suspended sentence including 35 sessions of the Horizon programme for sex offenders, 30 rehabilitation requirement activity days and 200 hours of unpaid work.

He was given an indefinite restraining order not to approach or contact his victim, or approach, stay in the same household with any girl aged under 18 for the next 10 years.