A MAN has been fined and told to pay compensation after he destroyed furniture at the homeless shelter where he was staying.

Karl Dean Meredith, 51, admitted criminal damage when he appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court this week.

Meredith, of Gwynfa, Lant Avenue, Llandrindod, flew into a rage and damaged a chest of drawers inside his flat because he could not find his medication.

Prosecutor Suzanne Cartwright told magistrates on Wednesday, February 14: “Gwynfa is a homeless people unit and for support workers.

“The defendant is a resident there. He couldn’t find his medication, he assumed it was stolen, and vented his frustration on the room, destroying a chest of drawers.


“He was angry at what he thought was theft. It was impulsive.”

Meredith has a criminal record containing a total of 67 previous convictions for 143 offences.

Acting in his own defence, Meredith told magistrates: “I haven’t got anything to say.”

He acknowledged he thought his medication had gone and so took out his frustration on the furniture.

He was fined £40 and told to pay £85 costs and a £16 surcharge, as well as a £100 contribution towards compensation.