A POWYS man accused of sexually assaulting another man has been given a provisional trial date of May this year.

Jamie Hampton, 34, has not yet entered a plea to the charge that he sexually assaulted another man in Brecon on January 23, 2023.

The case has been delayed due to the fact there was doubt as to whether Hampton is fit to stand trial.

County Times:

However, Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court heard on Friday, January 5, that a second psychiatric report has been written and it is now accepted Hampton is fit to stand trial and enter a plea, although he will need assistance.

Hampton, of Heol y Fynnon, Brecon, has not yet entered plea, but he is due to appear at a plea and trial preparation hearing in the near future.

A provisional trial date was agreed on Friday, due to start on May 13. It is likely to last 4-5 days.