PROPOSALS to convert an industrial unit into a place of worship and art studio are being considered by planners – although concerns have been raised about its environmental impact on a nearby river.

A change of use application for a place of worship, community hall and art studio at the Old Builders Trading Estate in Rhayader was submitted to Powys County Council in October and validated a month later.

It was submitted by Adam Barrett, on behalf of Leonie Barrett Christian Artist. The application states the space, covering two floors, is to be converted for the purpose of painting and artwork, with art workshops being proposed to be put on for the local community.

The status of the application is pending, with Rhayader Town Council and county councillor Angela Davies fully supporting it.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW), however, has raised concerns over the foul drainage element associated with the premises, as the unit is situated close to the River Wye and within the Wye’s Special Area of Conservation (SAC).


“We have concerns with the application as submitted because inadequate information has been provided in support of the proposal,” said NRW in a statement on November 29, 2023.

“To overcome these concerns, you should seek further information from the applicant regarding foul drainage. If this information is not provided, we would object to this planning application.

“The application site is within the catchment of the River Wye Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

“On January 21, 2021, we published an evidence package outlining phosphorus levels for all river SACs across Wales. In line with our planning advice, authorities must consider the phosphorus impact of proposed developments on water quality within SAC river catchments.

“We therefore advise you to consider whether the proposals, as submitted, would increase the volume of foul discharge from the site in planning terms.

“We note foul water disposal is proposed via the installation of a new septic tank rather than connecting to the mains sewer. However, the site is within a sewered area.

“The installation of private sewage treatment facilities within publicly sewered areas is not normally considered environmentally acceptable because of the greater risk of failures leading to pollution of the water environment compared to public sewerage systems.

“We therefore advise the applicant to either amend their proposals to ensure that the foul drainage is connected to the mains sewerage system or provide detailed evidence to demonstrate that it is not reasonable to connect.”

County Times:

PCC’s highways authority also raised several concerns and urged the applicant to submit additional information.

Highways said it had concerns over parking provision and a lack of information regarding the unit’s existing use and what the ground flood will be used for.

“The highways authority respectfully recommends that the applicant reconsiders the current proposals and brings forward additional information in respect of the raised issues,” it said.

Rhayader Town Council said no objections were raised regarding the proposal at its November 21 meeting and Councillor Davies said: “I am not aware of any objections or issues with this planning application, therefore, I am in full support for its change of use to a place of worship /community hall and studio.”

The Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust has not raised any issues with the proposal.