A woman went behind a clothing rack and placed clothes into a bag before leaving the Poundland store in Welshpool without paying.

CCTV footage captured Catherine Bennett stealing on March 25 this year after an elderly customer reported what she and another man had done to the Berriew Street store manager. The pair were later found that day inside the nearby Morrisons supermarket.

Bennett, aged 43, received a 12-month conditional discharge after she admitted stealing clothes worth £37 when she appeared at Welshpool Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, December 12.

Chair of the magistrates' bench Anthony Jackson said: "We feel that you may been in a relationship that was less than good for you."


Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court: "Witness Linda Squibb is the shop manager at Poundland and on the day states she was approached by an elderly female customer who reported that a male and female left the store with a bag of goods without paying.

"Ms Squibb reviewed the CCTV and saw the pair enter the store with a trolley. Several items were placed in the trolley and went behind a clothing rack and placed items into a bag and exited the store. The value of the goods was £37.

"Police were called and an officer attended and reviewed the footage and took down the description of the individuals. Police found them in Morrisons later that day.

"Both Catherine Bennett and Robert Watton were invited for voluntary interviews on three occasions but failed to attend.

County Times:

"Mr Watton is on warrant after he failed to attend court on 10th October, and the warrant still outstanding for him. The goods were not recovered."

Robert Hanratty, representing Bennett, said his client admitted stealing one item, adding that her relationship with Watton was a "matter for the past".

"She was in trepidation that he might be here today," Mr Hanratty added. "It’s a relief that he is not."

Bennett was ordered to pay £18.50 compensation to Poundland, £85 prosecution costs and a £26 victim surcharge.