Plans to close a Newtown primary school with pupils moving to a new yet-to-be-built building in the town centre will be discussed by Powys County Council’s cabinet next week.

Treowen C.P. School has been chosen to merge with Ysgol Calon y Dderwen as part of the council’s education shake-up in the town.

Earlier this year, the council revealed plans to increase the size of the new multi-million-pound school on the site of the former Hafren and Ladywell Green schools so that all pupils currently learning at Maesyrhandir and Treowen schools could attend.

READ MORE: Yet another Powys school faces closure due to low pupil numbers

However, this week, the council has only shared plans about Treowen and did not include Maesyrhandir C.P. School.

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The plans being considered by the council are to increase the capacity of the proposed new school building at Ysgol Calon y Dderwen so that pupils from Treowen C.P. School can also be included – which is estimated to be up to 500 pupils.

The council's intention is that, from September 2025, pupils continue to attend the existing Treowen building until the new building at Ysgol Calon y Dderwen is ready. When the new building opens, the Treowen site will close, and all pupils then move to the new school building for Ysgol Calon y Dderwen. 

Powys County Council’s cabinet will be asked at a meeting on Tuesday, October 17, to approve the start of formal consultation.

'Devastating effect'

County Times: Treowen CP school in NewtownTreowen CP school in Newtown (Image: Anwen Parry/Powys County Times)

Parents of children who attend Treowen C.P School have already vowed to fight the proposed “ridiculous” closure.

County councillor Joy Jones said she will "fight every step of the way" to save the 135-pupil school in her ward which she says would have a “devastating effect” on the community.

A mum, who did not want to be named, said the Treowen community will have nothing left if the school is closed.

"It’s ridiculous. The council needs to stop thinking about the money. Children will not cope in a big school like that. It’s the hub of our community. Treowen is one of the biggest deprived areas and without this school this area has got nothing.”

The council is considering increasing the size of the new school building so that more pupils can attend and benefit from the new facilities which it says will better support the delivery of the new Curriculum for Wales.