A POWYS man charged with killing a protected bird of prey on his farm has denied the offence and will face a trial later this year.

Thomas Edward Jones, 38, is accused of shooting dead a northern goshawk at his northern Powys pheasant farm on July 22 last year.

Jones, of Pentre Farm, near Dolanog, entered a not guilty plea to the charge at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, September 19.

Jones faces one charge of killing a schedule 1 wild bird, an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.


He is accused of intentionally killing the northern goshawk by shooting it dead while it was seen alive within a pen at his farm.

The case was set down for trial and this is scheduled to take place on November 6, in Welshpool, and will likely last a full day.

Jones was granted unconditional bail until that date.