Montgomeryshire politicians haver called for an expansion to the Welsh Air Ambulance service with additional government funding.

In a letter to the Chief Ambulance Service Commissioner, Russell George MS and Craig Williams MP have asked that the current Air Ambulance Review, as part of the ongoing Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service Review, includes options of an expanded service.

In the letter, they requested that additional funding to improve the service’s current capabilities and remove the need to close or move current bases.

Mr George also raised the issue on June 28 with Eluned Morgan MS, the Welsh Health Minister.

He said: “When the original proposals to close the Welshpool Air Ambulance base leaked a year ago, they were met with very widescale concern across Mid Wales.

“Communities know just how vital the services of the Wales Air Ambulance are and have fundraised in good faith for many years to support the service. 

READ MORE: Residents defend Welshpool, Powys Wales Air Ambulance base

“People in Montgomeryshire and across other rural parts of Wales are absolutely committed to the Air Ambulance service. Our letter this week makes that very clear. We want to see the Welsh Government match the strength of feeling across rural Wales with funding to protect this service.

“In March, the Welsh Government sent back £150m to the UK treasury that they failed to spend. Meanwhile, we are seeing spending on what I believe are vanity projects, such as costly default 20mph speed limits, and spending millions on sending more politicians to Cardiff Bay.

“We understand that the Welsh Government has a range of spending priorities, but it is clear to us from countless correspondence that local people in Mid Wales view this service as a high priority. We know this is the sentiment expressed commonly in public meetings. At the end of the day this is about the priorities of Welsh people.”

READ MORE: Welsh Government could support Welshpool Air Ambulance base in Powys

The request comes one year on from proposals to close Welshpool and Caernarfon's Air Ambulance bases, with Mr George and Mr Williams claiming they have heard from thousands of mid Wales residents who want to see improvements, not reductions, to the service.

Mr Williams added: “We believe it is imperative that the review into proposed changes considers what resources would be needed to expand the service, with increased financial provision.

“Ultimately, it is for Ministers, and politicians to make decisions on the prioritisation of spending resources between different areas. We feel that for such an essential service it is right that every effort is made to provide the maximum possible Welsh Government assistance”.