Talks to resolve issues around the ownership of Welshpool Railway Station’s footbridge have reportedly stalled.

Earlier in 2023, the issue surrounding the ownership of Welshpool Station’s footbridge was highlighted when it was pointed out that no party would take responsibility for clearing ice from it in cold weather.

It transpired that the issue of maintaining the bridge was made complicated by the fact that four different groups claimed ownership, with no clear indication of who is responsible for its general maintenance.

According to founder of Welshpool Rail Users social media group, Ken Law, initial talks to resolve the issue have led to little action.


He said: “The ownership of the bridge still hasn’t been confirmed. After meeting in February we all hoped the issue might be settled, but the first time it was meant to be gritted afterwards there was still no action.

“Back in February it was suggested that Transport for Wales could grit the entire bride, irrespective of who actually owns it, but we haven’t seen anything come of that.

County Times:

“Senedd Member Russell George thought it had been sorted. I also know that Welsh Liberal Democrats leader Jane Dodds sent a letter regarding the issue, but I’m not sure if she got an answer.

“I’d really like to cut through all the confusion and make something happen, by any route that sees something get done.

“Once you work out who’s responsible for what, then you can take action. But currently no one is willing to take ownership for the whole bridge.”

The bridge, which leads from the platform of Welshpool Station, over the A483, and onto the streets of Welshpool is split into sections, each owned by different parties.

They include the Highways Agency of the Welsh Government, Network Rail, Transport for Wales and Powys County Council.

In March 2023, a spokesperson for the Welsh Government said: “We recently met with representatives from Network Rail and Transport for Wales to discuss concerns over the ownership and winter maintenance management of the footbridge.

“An agreement will now be drawn up to clarify exactly which body is responsible for each element of the structure.”