With summer comes longer days, more pleasant weather, sunlit strolls and a more relaxed attitude, writes Eluned Morgan MS.

As the warm sun beckons us outdoors, there's no better time to embrace a more active lifestyle!

This season gives us all the opportunity to revitalise our health and well-being by engaging in physical activities that are beneficial to both our bodies and minds. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a novice, taking small steps to be more active this summer can lead to a myriad of benefits.


Whether it's a morning jog through the local park or an evening stroll along the beach, immersing ourselves in nature rekindles our connection with the world around us, promoting mental clarity and reducing stress. It also strengthens our immune systems, while staying active physically improves our cardiovascular health.

Summer is also the perfect time to embrace healthier eating. Local farmers' markets and grocery stores brim with fresh fruits and vegetables that can enhance our nutrition. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients, supports our bodies in warding off illness, maintaining weight, and sustaining energy levels.

So, let’s all seize the season and embrace the opportunity to stay active and better ourselves. By doing so and encouraging others, we can all play an essential role in alleviating some of the challenges faced by the NHS, ensuring that it can provide high-quality healthcare to all those in need.

Step outside, breathe the fresh air, and embark on a journey of well-being that will not only enrich your summer, but leave a lasting impact on your health for years to come!