DEVELOPERS planning to convert an empty pub into homes have requested more time to get the work done – nearly five years after getting planning permission.

A planning application has been lodged with Powys County Council by Milton Keynes based Eaglescourt Development Ltd.

They want to delete a condition in the original outline planning consent given to build houses at the Four Crosses Inn in Four Crosses, which stipulated that work must begin within five years of the initial application being approved in February 2019.

That decision saw a proposal for three three-bedroomed houses and a ground and first floor extension to the pub was granted approval by the council’s planning committee.

The pub closed in 2014, but the applicants faced a battle to get their outline planning application approved as villagers were against the proposal and did not want to lose the pub as a community asset.

Eaglescourt Developments said that they had marketed the building for sale for more time than required.


The new application concerns condition one of the approval which states: “The development shall begin not later than five years from the date of this decision.”

The applicants are asking for the condition to be removed due to “unforeseen circumstances have prevented progress on this development to date”.

Last year the company lodged a detailed application for three four bedroomed houses and a ground and first floor extension of the pub which was later withdrawn.

This application had faced further local opposition with Llandysilio community council objecting to the plans due to flooding concerns.

Powys County Councillor for the village, Cllr Arwel Jones had wanted to “call in” the application to be dealt with by the planning committee.

The firm also have planning consent to build seven affordable homes on land next to the pub.

A decision on the application needs to be made by August 16.