A POWYS council is looking at ways to keep its main building warm as the cold months continue.

Members of Welshpool Town Council have voted in favour of replacing two of the Town Hall’s boilers to heat the café, kitchen and bathrooms, which have been struggling to stay warm in recent weeks.

According to a report by the council’s operations manager, Paul McGrath, fitting a boiler in the storeroom behind the café would enable them to heat the space, keep the café open during the winter months, while they could install heaters in the ceiling to warm the indoor market.

Cllr Alison Davies questioned whether the construction needed to be as extensive as the report stated.


She said: “My concern is that the only issue we needed to resolve is hot water in the kitchen and toilets, and we’ve now come up with a plan that is going to do several things, all of which might not be necessary right now.

“I’m hesitant to feel that the only solution is an expense like this.”

Other councillors also questioned whether the café was in the right place within the hall, or whether the Town Hall is obliged to provide them with hot water at all.

However, the Mr McGrath explained that the kitchen and café would need a constant supply of hot water only provided by a built in boiler.

The report also noted that a more consistent source of heating would do more to prevent frozen and burst pipes in the winter months.

Councillors agreed to move ahead with the replacement boiler solution.

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