TWO Powys brothers have been fined after admitting charges relating to possessing cannabis.

Robert Parkes, 48, and his younger sibling Barry Parkes, 41, both appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, January 24.

The older Parkes, of High Street, Llanfyllin, admitted possessing 0.5 grams of cannabis in Llanfyllin on October 4 last year.

Younger sibling Barry admitted to possessing 0.3 grams of the Class B drug on the same day on the B4393 near Llanfechain.

Prosecutor Helen Tench said the brothers were stopped at around 5.40pm on October 4, travelling in a Vauxhall Astra, by PC Jones.

“Barry Parkes was the driver and Robert Parkes told the officer there may be some cannabis inside the vehicle," she said.


“Cannabis was found in an old camera film pot. It had a street value of around £3. Barry Parkes said ‘I didn’t think it was illegal to smoke it anymore’.”

Mrs Tench said police later that day executed a warrant at the home address and also found cannabis there. Robert Parkes admitted possession of that, which was valued at around £5.

County Times:

The brothers represented themselves, with Barry Parkes saying he lived in his van and that he only used his brother’s home as a care of address.

Robert Parkes said: “There’s not a lot I can say. Police made a connection between my past cannabis use and then I believe targeted my address.”

Magistrates fined both brothers a total of £365 each – this includes a £200 fine, £85 costs and £80 surcharge.