AN APPLICATION to change the use of Welshpool Youth Centre has been withdrawn following a public backlash.

Last week, Welshpool was shocked to see that the town’s youth centre could face conversion to a location for the storage and sale of car parts.

The application was lodged with Powys County Council and immediately sparked an outcry on social media from Welshpool residents and town councillors.

Welshpool Town Council were planning to discuss the issue and come to a decision on whether or not to approve the application when the change-of-use document was withdrawn shortly before the meeting on January 25.

Cllr Alison Davies informed the other councillors at the Planning Committee meeting that the Town Clerk had received an email just before the meeting to inform the council that the application was being withdrawn.

Cllr Davies said: “They stated in the email that they would continue with the existing usage of the building, a statement which isn’t completely clear on what’s happening moving forward. But still, given that we were due to discuss the application for change-of-use, I can say that there is nothing for us to discuss at the moment.


“We will continue to try and get absolute clarity on this issue as we currently don’t have a full picture of what is happening with the building. I was on the phone to Powys County Council earlier today so I trust that they are aware of the matter and will keep us updated.”

The building was declared surplus to requirements by the Youth Service and has been listed for sale since 2020.

However, Welshpool Youth Club has continued to use the building and planned to do so until a sale is agreed upon and is completed.

Prior to the application being withdrawn, Powys County Council said that they would move the Youth Centre to a new location when the building is eventually sold.

At the planning committee meeting, Cllr Nick Howells added: “ There was a big outcry on social media, and you can understand why. That’s an iconic building to my generation. It was the youth centre back in my day and while i understand things change, to see it go from a youth centre to a car parts store would be upsetting.”