A TEENAGER has been handed a community punishment after a string of offences committed against four members of his family.

Kenneth Jones, 19, from Knighton, assaulted his stepfather, damaged property at his mother’s home, threatened to damage his sister’s property and sent a threatening message via social media to his brother.

The incidents took place over two days in June and July in Knighton.

The matter had originally been set down for trial but Jones entered five guilty pleas when he appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court last month.

These include damaging his mum’s car and sending a threatening Snapchat message to his brother on June 20. Jones, of Russell Street, Knighton, also admitted assaulting his stepfather, damaging a door at the family home and threatening to destroy property belonging to his sister on July 19.


Prosecutor Kevin Challinor said at Jones’ sentencing hearing on Wednesday, October 12, that Jones’ mother received a Facebook message on June 20, in which he said he had put negative messages on Snapchat about another family member.

“She told him to stop, which ‘made him go mad’,” Mr Challinor added. “He said he’d smash her car up. She put the phone on speaker and a witness heard the threats.

“The same witness then went upstairs and observed the car in the car park; she then saw the defendant come into the car park, walking with a purpose towards the vehicle. She saw him kick the wing mirrors and break the rear driver’s side window with a pint glass.”

Jones was released on bail but then committed the further offences on July 19 after calling his mother to demand his wallet back.

After she told him she didn’t know where it was, he is reported to have said: “If I don’t get it back me and the boys are gonna come to the house and smash it up.”


He then damaged a door as he left. Mr Challinor said the family had applied for a restraining order against Jones.

In mitigation, Owain Jones, said his client had endured a “difficult upbringing”.

“He left home at 15, there is most definitely a sense of rejection there,” said Mr Jones.

Magistrates ordered Jones to adhere to a 12-month community order, which will include completing 12 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 200 hours unpaid work.

He must pay £289 compensation to his mother, as well as £50 compensation to Edward Jones. He will also pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs.

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