Members of Montgomery Young Farmers went for a “trip of a lifetime” to South Africa.

In August several Montgomery YFC members flew to South Africa on a Safari with the Wales YFC International Programme.

Members took in all of the sites visiting places such as the Kruger National Park, Cape Town and Victoria Falls. They also took in parts of Zimbabwe and visited the Chobe national Park in Botswana - with members calling it a “trip of a lifetime”.

One of the lucky adventurers was Elin Lewis from Montgomeryshire YFC.


Reflecting on the trip in her blog, she said: “Never have I had a more jam-packed 12 days, but never before has a series of 12 days been so unforgettable.

“South Africa, Cape Town, Kruger National Park, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Victoria Falls, Chobe, Botswana – just a few of the sights I was lucky enough to see on 12 days of travelling to South Africa with Wales YFC.”

A particular highlight for Elin was the trip to Chobe National Park in Botswana: “To start we went on a game drive through the park. And we were able to see lions up close eating their prey, elephants so close we could touch them, very inquisitive giraffes, and comical monkeys. If you picture the first scene in the Lion King, we saw it in real life.”

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The group also took time to visit local charities for those in more deprived areas of the country.

“Whilst in Cape Town we also visited some hard-hitting parts of the country, with a tour around the township, something never to be forgotten, namely the slums people lived in and the high spirits they still carried,” said Elin.

“We were also fortunate enough to visit the Amy Foundation, a charity which supported young black people to gain skills to start their own businesses or go out to get jobs, where otherwise they may end up in very different situations.”