Montgomery School pupils dressed up as their favourite character to celebrate Roald Dahl Day last week..

Joshua, age 10, explained: “Roald Dahl was a famous Welsh writer who has the title of ‘No. 1 storywriter’.

‘He sadly died in 1990. To celebrate his birthday every year on the 13th of September there is a Roald Dahl Day where you get to dress up as a Roald Dahl book character.” Joshua added, “I think that it is a fun thing for children as they get to dress up. This year Matilda was the main character. The Reception children seemed to enjoy it lots.”

Four-year-old Edie said, “I thought being a witch with a magic wand fun.”

“I liked Roald Dahl day because it expresses the books we all like, and I liked the parade and just seeing all the creative costumes. It was an amazing experience to see how much people liked dressing up,” said Mea, age 10.

Repair event

A repair event will be held on Sunday, September 25 in Montgomery.

From 11am until 3pm, there will be private yard sales and garden giveaways across the town, with the aim of re-homing items locally and avoiding things going to landfill.

Locations taking part will be on a map on the back of the town hall, and as much detail as possible will be posted on the Montgomery Wales Facebook page.

Anyone wishing to host can message the Montgomery Wales page or email by Friday to let the organisers know their location and any details of what they’ll be passing on.

Browsers are encouraged to look around on foot if they are able to, and to make sure to check out the locations map to catch everything.

Children from Montgomery School Council will be running a second hand book stall on the same day to raise funds for activities. (Donations of books can be dropped off at the school or activity centre in advance).

Montgomery Energy Group’s Repair Cafe will take place at the activity centre from 2pm until 5pm.

You can contact the repair café via MEG’s facebook page or email

Please contact MEG if you would like to help out by being a fixpert or apprentice at future repair cafés, or assist in another role.


Digital boost

The council secured European Funding for digital equipment for community halls and has installed new equipment in the town hall’s lower floor.

This was put to immediate good use for the screening of Her Late Majesty’s funeral.

Cllr Gwil Stephenson said: “This offered a good opportunity for the community to see the new facility in use but also to raise awareness of the possibilities for community organisations and businesses to promote their events and services as well as run virtual meetings or make and show videos of their activities.”

Training sessions will be offered to organisations.

Heritage Walk

The intriguing history of the Montgomery area is largely based around three hills.

To discover more, enjoy a walk with a knowledgeable leader from the Montgomery Civic Society.

The walk will start in Montgomery at 11am on Sunday, October 2

Please contact Jill Kibble to reserve your place.

Website launched

A new dedicated website for Montgomery Town Hall has now been launched by the Montgomery Community Buildings Preservation Trust which manages the building.

This website is where bookings for the Town Hall will be made from now on, and anyone wishing to hire the hall should please visit

The Montgomery Wales website’s town hall links will work by automatically taking you to this new dedicated site.

Over the coming weeks, the Montgomery Town Hall website will evolve further.

Coffee morning

A coffee morning to raise funds for the town’s hockey club will take place at Montgomery Town Hall on Saturday with all invited to come along and help support the women ‘s club.