A DEFENDANT launched a foul-mouthed tirade at magistrates when he appeared in court in Powys last week.

Karl Dean Meredith appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, August 3, where he was due to answer a charge of being drunk and disorderly in a public place.

However, the hearing could not be concluded and was brought to an abrupt halt when an irate Meredith became aggressive towards prosecutor Stephen Davies as he was reading out the facts of the case.

The 49-year-old, dressed from head to toe in green Army camouflage gear, swore repeatedly at both Mr Davies and the three magistrates presiding over his case.

He failed to enter a plea and was so disruptive that he was told to leave the dock, without a new date actually fixed for him to reappear.


Meredith faces a charge of being drunk and disorderly on Temple Street, in Llandrindod, on June 22 this year. Meredith formerly lived in Powys but is now of London Road, Neath.

Mr Davies said the charges related to Meredith's arrest in Temple Street on June 22.

Meredith interrupted as he opened the case, and said: “You want to give me a fine for something I didn’t even do. I was just trying to get home."

He accused Mr Davies of “f*****g lying” and told magistrates to “f*** off” as they left the room.

Meredith refused to listen to the case outline or enter a plea, leaving the bench no choice but to rise and put the case back for another hearing date.