A LLANDRINDOD Wells man has been jailed for 25 months for a string of drug offences.

Shane Davies had previously admitted offering to supply Class A drug methadone and Class C drug diazapam in 2020. He also pleaded guilty to possessing a small amount of Class A drug heroin.

At Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court on Friday (July 29), Recorder Gregg Bull QC told Davies to help himself so he doesn't end up on a "downward spiral".

He told the 32-year-old, of Norton Terrace: "You have a history of drug taking, you have a history of failing to engage with the policies that are trying to help you, and if you don't help yourself you will continue on a downward spiral which will cause you to be in prison for longer and longer periods.

"I doubt any preaching that I give to you will have any effect in the way that you think. I urge you to think of those people who love you, and who want you to be free of the evils of drugs so that you can play a normal part in a functioning society by having a functioning life."

Ieuan Rees, prosecuting, told the court the offences took place on two separate occasions in May and June 2020 and that Davies had tried to say the drugs were his, but that a search of his bag found phone numbers, while his phone also suggested he was supplying drugs.

He added that Davies had a string of previous offences, many of which were drug related.

Nik Strubl, acting for Davies, said his client had admitting supplying his girlfriend with methadone, but added: "It was a very limited supply on a few occasions and there was no financial reward, no exchange of services.

"The aim of the supply was to help his partner which is very distinguishable from someone supplying for profit."

Recorder Bull continued: "It depresses me to read the pre-sentence report which says you have no existence worth having, that you are not prepared to help yourself to any great extent and I hope that you've changed your attitude from the attitude that the probation officer seemed to see."

He sentenced Davies to two years in prison for supplying methadone, six months in prison for possession of diazapam with intent to supply to run concurrently, and one year in prison for possession of heroin to run concurrently.

For committal for sentence, he will serve one month in prison for each offence to run concurrently, making a total of 25 months, and he must pay a £190 victim surcharge.

Davies will serve half of his sentence in prison and the remainder on licence, and he will be given credit for the time he has spent on remand.

The drugs will be also be destroyed.

Two further charges were allowed to lie on file.

Recorder Bull also raised the issue of how long the case had taken to come to court, with there being nine months between Davies' arrest and the charges being brought.

He told the court: "It is appalling that there should be this sort of delay from arrest to charge of nine months of a simple case - it is quite disgraceful.

"It makes sentencing quite difficult for the court and justice is obstructed."