Montgomery’s Mayor Making returned this year on July 8.

The ceremony and community event took place at a slightly later point in the year than is traditional - with so many other events having been going on in Town during the last weeks.

Recently appointed Clerk Helen Royall, Town Crier Sue Blower and Mayor Jill Kibble led proceedings. Cllr Kibble had been unable to be formally invested at a Mayor Making event in 2021, and likewise her predecessor Cllr Haydn Andrew in 2020.

Cllr Andrew, who was Mayor from 2019 to 2021, spoke about the strange times of the pandemic, wished luck to Jill in her second term, and gave a positive “onwards and upwards” message to fellow Councillors. He gave his heartfelt thanks to his Mayoress Jane who had endured various stresses and strains by his side during his mayoralty.

Cllr David Jones, Montgomery’s longest serving current Town Councillor, proposed Cllr Kibble as Mayor for 2022-23 which was seconded by Cllr Andrew, and Mayor Kibble duly elected for her second term. Cllr Kibble’s speech celebrated the community and fundraising events that have been able to take place this year, in contrast to last. She announced that her Deputy would be Cllr Wendy Beaven, her chaplain would be Rev. Mary Turnock, and her chosen charity for the year would be the DPJ Foundation, which supports mental health in the agricultural sector.

Cllr Kibble spoke of community engagement, her ambitions for the coming year, and the Council’s current work with residents to build a 10-year plan for the Town and Council. She proposed votes of thanks to Town Crier, Sue Blower; the Town Clerk, Helen Royall, who has worked incredibly hard since her taking up the post in March; and the Community News Team. She thanked Adam Cusack who looks after the Town’s website and supports the Council in all things technical. She turned to her husband Brett to thank him for his continual and unwavering support, as well as his own community work in areas such as bike recycling and footpath maintenance.

Rev. Mary Turnock offered some apposite advice to the Council, drawing on St Paul’s letters to the Corinthians and Timothy, about working together as one body of many parts, being kind to everyone, and avoiding quarrels. She then led the assembly in prayer.

Sue Blower was appointed as Town Crier for the 21st year, proposed by Cllr Rob Harper and seconded by new Councillor and childhood friend to Sue, Cllr Cyndy Humphreys. Cllr Beaven explained about the role of the Sergeants at Mace, and the history of maces; Mark Weaver and David Weaver were reappointed as Sergeants at Mace, with fellow freeman Lionel Weaver standing in for them at this ceremony.

Paul Hodgson, who was recently granted Honorary Freemanship of Montgomery, was invited forward to celebrate this well-deserved honour, received in recognition of his work in the community including his part in bringing the Town Memorial and Memorial Garden to the Pound, and researching the Town’s fallen. Paul was presented with his Freeman’s tie.

After the formal proceedings, everyone was invited to share drinks and a variety of beautiful canapés made by Katrina Collins of Shed38, and convivial conversations between community members continued until darkness fell.