After two difficult years, the Old Bell Museum in Arthur Street, Montgomery will be opening again on Wednesday, April 6.

The Old Bell Museum has gained a reputation as an interesting reflection of the history of Montgomery, well-loved by visitors and locals alike.

Its new opening hours will be 1.30-4pm on Wednesday’s and Friday’s and 11am-4pm on Thursday’s and Saturday’s with new displays planned in and around the town.

The civic society will be developing closer links with Montgomery School and youth organisations in the town in the coming months, and will be involved in the Welsh-Hungarian day in May.

There will be an open day on Saturday, June 4th during the Queen’s Jubilee weekend with free admission.

The Old Bell Museum would welcome volunteers to act as stewards and if you would like to help please contact Dave Thomas on 07811 259181.

Drs John and Ann Welton, who were pioneers in forming the Old Bell, working conscientiously and diligently for 30 years plus to make the museum what it is today, stepped down from their respective roles as chairman of the civic society and curator of the museum for health reasons.

Chairman Eric Fairbrother said: “Montgomery owes John and Ann a debt of gratitude and, on behalf of the civic society, I offer sincere thanks to them both for their excellent contribution and wish them well.”

Science Week at primary school

The aim of Science Week is to engage and inspire people of all ages with science, technology, engineering and mathematics, writes Year 6 student Scarlett Day

Class 1 are growing a cress head in different locations. All you need to grow a cress head is tights, tablespoons, soil or compost, grass seeds, googly eyes, a yoghurt pot, string, some felt, foam, and card.

Class 2 designed and built bridges. On Friday they brought them in and measured them. Next, they tested their strength using soup cans. It was really impressive to see different designs and materials.

Class 3 are learning about different types of rocks and their properties and classification. This links in with the ‘Structures’ topic.

Class 4 are learning about different classifications of animals.

Forensics fun

THREE police officers visited Montgomery School for a forensics workshop earlier this month, writes Year 6 student Mischa Bishop.

We acted out a robbery with Adam. Three people were robbers and hid the jewellery and treasure, and three people were police officers.

We also got to print our sets of fingerprints onto a piece of paper. Sinead in Year 6 said: “It was interesting seeing how all our fingerprints are different.”

Niall in Year 5 said: “I liked hiding the objects while being the robber and then finding out how forensics help to find evidence to catch the thief.”

Spring garden tour for members

Montgomery Gardening Club organised a spring garden visit this year.

The group travelled to Hergest Croft gardens near Kington, with some taking advantage of the Bishop’s Castle Community minibus.

The visitors were promised spring flowers, and found swathes of blue scillas alongside purple crocus, emerging daffodils and waning snowdrops.

The hellebores were at their peak and they noticed a range of camellia varieties beginning to flower.

One of group member Anthea Wilson’s favourite plants stood at the bottom of the vast kitchen garden: an ancient apple tree covered in moss and decked with ferns growing on its branches.

Maples Tearoom provided outstanding hospitality, offering a good choice of dishes for lunch.

The chat around the tables reflected the things that had inspired the group. As always, the visit provided plenty of ideas for their own growing spaces, however large or small.

It was great to meet newcomers to the town at the Community Fayre on March 12th, and the club welcomes new members.

Their programme for the whole year is now arranged, and it continues with a talk from Jill Canthray on April 11th about ‘Propagation and plants for free’, followed by ‘Plants for the season’ with Paul Green on May 9th. The group will also hold a plant stall in Arthur Street on May 14th.

Live entertainment

Ricky Smith will be back playing live at The Dragon Hotel for music night on Friday April 1 from 8.30pm.