PLAID Cymru’s Powys County Council group has defended its decision to support the cabinet's council tax plans.

At last week’s chaotic full council meeting Plaid Cymru group leader Cllr Elwyn Vaughan backed a rise of 3.4 per cent – lower than the 3.9 per cent originally proposed.

Cllr Vaughan seconded a budget amendment made by Conservative finance portfolio holder Cllr Aled Davies, but this was superseded by a Labour group amendment of a freeze in Council Tax, which was backed by other opposition groups.

But after it became the council's official position, a vote on the proposal was lost and the meeting was suspended without a budget being set.

Liberal Democrat group leader, Cllr James Gibson-Watt said: “It is greatly disappointing to see Plaid Cymru team up with the Conservative to try and impose yet another year of high Council Tax rises on Powys residents.

“Powys residents are going through one of the toughest cost-of-living crises in living memory, with energy price rises in Powys amongst the highest in the entire UK.

“We have already had over 27 per cent of council tax rises since 2017 inflicted by the Conservative and Independent coalition.

“Now Plaid Cymru wants to help them introduce yet more again."

But Cllr Vaughan defended his decision to back the budget by pointing out that the council’s s151 officer Jane Thomas advised against a council tax freeze.

Cllr Vaughan said: “All we did is look at the information provided to all groups and made a positive suggestion utilising savings that could be made as a result of the extra capital funding, without increasing liabilities.

“We will always put the emphasis on constructive suggestions/ideas/ways forward as I cannot abide continual whinging by some who then offer no constructive ideas.

“We know there’s an election coming but let’s not have short term games at the expense of our residents.

“We want low council tax every year.

“Trying to promise all today whilst ignoring tomorrow is like giving a bucket full of sweets to someone without telling them you’re taking them to the dentist tomorrow to take their teeth out.”

The budget meeting will reconvene at 12pm on Thursday, March 3.