AFTER an enforced layoff of more than two years, Llandrindod Wells Theatre Company will be back performing one of their much-loved pantomimes next month – oh yes they will!

Rehearsals began way back in October 2021 but, due to Covid, there have been several delays in production. Following the lifting of restrictions the company is confident that the show will now go ahead and performances are planned for March 3, 4 and 5 at the Albert Hall in Llandrindod.

This year’s show will be the story of Dick Whittington, written by Ben Crocker, produced and directed by Phil Evans, ably assisted by Zoe Evans and Lianne Thomas. With a cast and crew of over 40 people, ranging in ages from 11 to 70, the show promises to be enthralling, full of live music, song, dance, comedy and audience participation.

The cast list includes: Dick Whittington (Zoe Evans), Tommy his cat (Abi Evans), Sarah the cook (Gareth Jones), Jack, her assistant (Nic Prince), Alderman Fitzwarren (Phil Evans), Alice, his daughter (Anna Percy), Fairy Bowbells (Joanna Francis), Queen Rat (Lianne Thomas), the Emperor of Morocco (Reece Simmons)

Choreography is by Lianne Thomas, with costumes by Mandy Davies, assisted by Sue and Cari Jackaman. Backstage is managed By Louie Francis in his first production as stage manager, assisted by Felix Moore and others.

The panto tells the traditional story of Dick Whittington, who travels to London in search of his fortune. When he gets there, he finds that the streets are not paved with gold and he has to find a job in a local shop run by Alderman Fitzwarren. There he is falsely accused of stealing, having been framed by Jack, his rival for the affections of Fitzwarren’s daughter Alice. Dick and Tommy, his cat, leave London, only to be recruited onto the ship that Fitzwarren has chartered to sail to Morocco where he plans to sell his merchandise to make his own fortune. However, their plans are thwarted by the evil Queen Rat, who sinks the ship and they are captured and imprisoned by the Emperor of Morocco.

Will they survive? Will good prevail over evil? Come and find out. Tickets are on sale at £12 for adults and £6 for children. Show dates are Thursday, March 3 (7.30pm), Friday, March 4 (7.30pm) and Saturday, March 5 (2.30 and 7.30pm).

Current regulations state that Covid passports will not be required, however with details still being requested for Track and Trace, Llandrindod Wells Town Council are hoping that the majority of the audience will purchase tickets in advance to avoid unnecessary queuing.

Anyone wishing to buy tickets can do so by visiting Coversure in Middleton Street, Llandrindod.