WORK is underway to renovate and update a station along a heritage railway line in Mid Wales before services resume over Easter Weekend.

Corris Railway Station will undergo work to remodel its track layout and construct a new platform.

The station rebuild is part of ongoing work to revive the oldest narrow gauge railway in Mid-Wales.

The old Corris Station was demolished in 1968.

New sleepers made out of recycled plastics were delivered in autumn of 2021, and Corris Railway Society added fittings to support the rails.

The volunteers planned and prepared vehicles for the works train and various components for the new track were prepared in the Maespoeth Junction workshops.

Existing track has been lifted and sections of the station platform removed, with new track laid between Braichgoch Farm Crossing and the station throat.

Construction of the traverser, which will allow locomotives to run around their trains, is underway at Statfold Engineering near Tamworth in Staffordshire. When the traverser has been delivered and installed, the rest of the trackwork will be put in place ands a new station constructed.

Site restrictions make it impossible to recreate the old station exactly, but the new structure will eventually include an overall roof, an iconic feature of its predecessor.

Donations towards the project can be made online via