Catrin’s Korean trip fundraiser

Montgomery teenager Catrin McDougal has been selected to represent Girlguiding Cymru at the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea in summer 2023.

Catrin and Montgomery Ranger Marianne Després-Davies are two in a patrol of only nine guides and rangers representing Girlguiding in Wales at the international gathering.

The patrol leader will be Cath Wilkins, also from Montgomery Rangers

Each representative needs to raise around £4,000 towards the cost of the trip and Catrin has already started fundraising by playing Christmas music on her flute at the switch-on of the Montgomery Christmas Lights and for Montgomery Saturday shoppers.

Catrin said: “I’m going to be busking, baking, paddling and performing to raise funds, and every little bit will help.

“I really enjoyed playing at the Christmas Festival event and helping with the town’s celebrations, and I’m grateful to everyone who has donated to my Korea busking bucket so far.

“We are part of the UK contingent and are more than just travel buddies - we are planners, fundraisers, motivators and mentors. We’ve got a lot to achieve in a short time but we’ll leap at the challenge.”

You can support Catrin’s fundraising efforts on gofundme

Music at the hall to boost coffers

A live music event is being staged in the town hall later this month.

The event on December 28 will feature sets from All Fired Up, Doris, Magenta Dogwings, Funk Brothers, Danny Quavers and the Devil’s Beekeepers, John Brown and Allie.

Doors will open at 7.15pm with music starting around 7.45pm.

There will be a bar, and food/snacks will be available to buy on the night. Tickets are available from Bunners and cost £15 each. All profits will go to the Town Hall Trust.

For information please email

Sharing is caring for local groups

The noted community spirit of Montgomery is well reflected by the 50 active groups and organisations that function in the town.

These vary from snooker club to Friends of the School to the OUCH group for arthritis sufferers or Taste Montgomery for food producers.

Hosted by Graham Evans, Mid & North Powys Network Development Officer, along with mayor, Jill Kibble, representatives of these groups met to share ideas and information, and identify community needs.

Some organisations are now looking to start up again having not met for nearly two years and, in some cases, are seeing this as an opportunity for a fresh start.

A list is being produced detailing all Montgomery groups along with contact details and an outline of activities.

This will be available shortly on the town website and will be of particular value to newer residents.

The group determined to hold a community fayre on January 29th when clubs and organisations will be displaying what they have to offer.

Entertainment will be provided by Monty Folk and Côr Trefaldwyn, whilst Trefaldwyn Ladies Club will provide the refreshments.

If you require any further information please contact Graham at

Choral visit

The New Dynamics choir has recently re-established and will be visiting Montgomery to perform on Broad Street on Saturday, December 18.

Hot drinks and mince pies will be served from the town hall kitchen from 10.30am.

Enjoy some Christmas carols and songs as you finish off your local Christmas shopping in well-stocked shops and pop-ups.

Online shopping

If you are doing any online shopping, remember that you can support the Friends of Montgomery School for free while you shop.

The group is registered with both AmazonSmile and easyfundraising.

To shop on Amazon, go to and select Friends of Montgomery School as your chosen charity under My Account, AmazonSmile, then shop as usual and pennies will be added to the Friends’ total

Xmas services

Details of Christmas services and events at the Church and Chapel can be found on pages 6 and 16 of the current issue of the Montgomery Crier newsletter, which has been delivered throughout the town, and can be downloaded from