Newtown is a town with a rich industrial history with incredible people, events and places.

Now a new book full of photos, maps and illustrations has been published by the Newtown and District Civic Society which delves into the fascinating historical and architectural background of Llanllwchaiarn, the canal area, Barnfields, Penygloddfa and Milford Road.

“It made us realise what an interesting area it is. We hadn’t appreciated it before we started the project,” society member Jane Napier said:

Edward Parry, who will be leading a free illustrated talk about the book next week, added: “We want to draw attention to things that people take for granted or don’t notice or don’t even realise are even there.

“We hope this will prevent some of the ‘planning vandalism’ that has affected towns like Newtown, not just Newtown but many places.”

‘Newtown North of the Severn’ is the second volume of a three-part series about the town. The latest project has taken around three years to complete, including during a global pandemic, which has involved walking around the five areas.

Liz Hinkley, another member, said: “The main function of the Society is to inform and spread a sense of civic pride in the town itself in its current state as well as looking at its future.

“It isn’t an historical society. It is one which is looking at the town and how it is and help inform people about interesting bits.”

Newtown & District Civic Society will be launching their new book at a meeting at the Crescent Christian Centre on Tuesday, October 12, at 7.30pm which everyone is welcome to attend free of charge. It will be a companion volume to the Society's earlier Explore Newtown book on the town centre.

This second Explore Newtown book has again had the support of the Town Council with a grant towards design and printing costs for which the Society is most grateful.

Copies will be sent to schools, the public library, the town council and the the county council planning department. Once published, the book will be available to be uploaded onto the town council's website and copies will be available for sale at various venues. Income from sales will contribute towards the costs of a future book dealing with southern areas of Newtown. Copies may also be purchased after October 12 at the Oriel Davies shop and other venues in town, further details from the Civic Society on 01686 670266.