Llanidloes Town Twinning has been on hold for 18 months for obvious reasons but is now coming back to life.

John Shercliff, secretary, said: “We were expecting to welcome our regular visitors from Derval, in France in July 2020 but that trip had to be postponed.

“We are now hoping to be able to start our regular exchange visits next year. Plans are in hand for four days of activities based in and around Llanidloes, while our visitors will be well looked after by local families.”

To make a new start the AGM of Llanidloes Twinning Association will take place on Thursday, October 14, at 7pm at Minerva Arts Centre, Llanidloes.

Anyone with an interest in the link with France is welcome to attend. There will be refreshments and a chance to catch up after a short formal meeting.