The much-loved Scarecrow Festival is back in Bettws Cedewain and Tregynon.

Forty-six scarecrows have taken over the two villages to lift spirits and raise lots of money for a special cause.

Organisers are encouraging people to visit the close-knit communities to have a look at the impressive display of scarecrows which includes a superhero chicken, The Simpsons, the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Doc and Marty McFly with their time-traveling DeLorean.

Rhona Farley-Harper, festival organiser, said: “People really get involved, it’s great! There’s a really good community spirit in Bettws and Tregynon. It’s amazing.”

Every year, the festival raises money for a chosen charity which Rhona said is an important way to get people involved.

Sadly, Rhona’s mother Jackie died suddenly in February of sepsis, also known as blood poisoning. She was 65 years old.

“It’s one of those things that you think will never happen to you and it did,” Rhona said.

“She was so well-known in her community. She bloomed love. She was the most loveliest person you’d meet. She just glowed. It’s just so tragic that it’s happened like this.

“I know she’d want us to do this.”

Sepsis is also known as the "hidden killer" because it can be so hard to detect. To raise lots of money for Sepsis Trust UK, the festival is also hosting a get-together which is open to everyone at Tregynon Village Hall from 2pm on Sunday (September 19).

The winners of the scarecrow competition will also be announced and there will be a raffle and stalls to raise vital funds.

The scarecrows are expected to remain in the villages for another week.

For more information about sepsis and where to get support, visit Sepsis Trust UK.