Improvements along the A487 could see Machynlleth connected to Aberystwyth via a cycle route according to new proposals published this week.

Calls for a dedicated cycling route between the towns have been growing with one cyclist starting a petition earlier in the year which gained nearly 1,000 signatures online.

Although the A487 is a major trunk road and is exposed in areas, some stretches of cycle path already exist along the route along newly constructed sections of road.

Now an "aspirational" plan for new dedicated cycle routes in Powys has been published for consultation showing a cycle link could be earmarked for between the two towns, with Powys County Council asking for feedback on the proposed scheme, along with others in 11 areas of Powys earmarked for cycling and footway improvements.

"The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 aims to make Wales a walking and cycling nation." Explains Cllr Heulwen Hulme, Powys County Council Cabinet Member for Environment.

"With the recent feedback from residents, community groups, schools, families and other stakeholders, we have been able to develop updated maps identifying potential future active travel routes within the 11 designated localities (the largest settlements within Powys, as designated by Welsh Government)."

The county council says it has tried to include as many routes and recommendations as possible in the scheme, however, they stress that plans for new routes are currently "aspirational only", and show the communities vision of a future active travel network in the town.

Machynlleth to Aberystwyth forms a part of National Cycle Network 82, but the section is described on the SusTrans website as "Under development".

"Now these plans have been drawn up, it is time to ask you once again, to take look at the potential ideas and confirm we have interpreted all your responses correctly," added Cllr Hulme.

"This final part of the consultation process is important, and we want to know we've got it right before we take the plans to develop the county's active travel routes any further. The engagement we have already had with stakeholders has been invaluable and we grateful for their continued contribution. Diolch pawb."

The plans are now available for the public to review for 12 weeks, until November 7.

The plans are available online at: