HAD she lived then Princess Diana would have been celebrating her 60th birthday last week.

Tragically her life was ended in a road traffic accident in Paris 25 years ago - an event which rocked the nation.

Even today Princess Diana is remembered by many as the People's Princes with thousands making the pilgrimage to London following her death in 1997.

Princess Diana was regarded as a fashion icon of the 1980s and 1990s.

This meant her visit to Newtown's Laura Ashley factory site in 1988 would have been a highlight of her royal duties that year.

County Times: Princess Diana visiting Laura Ashley design studio in 1988, also in the photograph are the late Phil Morris, Brian Jones and Ian Brown.

Princess Diana visiting Laura Ashley design studio in 1988, also in the photograph are the late Phil Morris, Brian Jones and Ian Brown.

It had been the start of summer, June 1, when Princess Diana visited the brand's Texplan factory and the Wales Craft Council on Severn Street in Welshpool.

At the time Laura Ashley was among the most iconic fashion brands in the country.

Brian Jones met the princess and remembered the royal visit well.

He said: "The royal visit to Texplan, such a special day, and being part of the private design meeting with Princess Diana, there was myself, Phil Morris, and Ian Brown, we were all so nervous waiting for her arrival, I was wearing one of Bernard Ashley’s ties for the occasion.

County Times: Princess Diana during her visit to Newtown in 1988.

Princess Diana during her visit to Newtown in 1988.

"She was so pleasant and the atmosphere was very relaxed, she wanted to know everything about the design process, and where we got our inspiration from, I even asked her to send us any vintage fabrics she liked.

"In those days Laura Ashley was an amazing company to be part of, sadly those days are long gone."

Do you remember the royal visit of 1988? Perhaps you were part of the crowd? Share your pictures by emailing gavin.grosvenor@newsquest.co.uk