Children pen their own ballads

Budding balladeers at Montgomery Church in Wales school have been busy writing their own songs based on tales of adventure from the past and present.

Children in years 4, 5 and 6 are working with composer Ian Morgan-Williams and poet Pat Edwards to write a series of ballads.

Some children are working online, and some are in the classroom in school, as part of a project supported by Mid Wales Opera’s ‘Milltir Sgwar’ programme.

Pat, a professional poet, is working with the children to create their own ballads which Ian will then set to music.

Pat said: “Music has its challenges online, trying to synchronise everyone, but the students are enthusiastic and full of great ideas.”

Anna Griggs, headteacher, added: “Technology has allowed our school to continue to interact with experts within our community during such challenging times.”

The Montgomery project is one of the first projects supported by Cerddoriaeth Eich Milltir Sgwâr – Music at Your Place – Mid Wales Opera’s open call commissioning programme designed to support freelance musicians, singers and composers creating work in their own communities during lockdown.

MWO have commissioned seven projects in the first round of the scheme, run in partnership with Ensemble Cymru, and during the Spring they will be working with the successful applicants to help them deliver their programmes.

Mayo Award joy

Ed Humphreys, from Montgomery, who is currently pursuing a course in Community Governance at the Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University, Leicester, by distance learning through the Society of Local Council Clerks, has recently heard that he has been awarded the Wendy Mayo Award.

As well as receiving a distinction for his coursework, he was awarded this prize, which includes a cash sum, for the best individual piece of work, and excellent overall performance on the course.

He won his award for his work on the Community Profile of Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn.

Ed, who completed his first degree at Oxford over 40 years ago, said: “I was thrilled and surprised to receive this award. It wasn’t something I had applied for, and it came out of the blue. It has certainly encouraged me to go on to the Foundation Degree qualification, which will take another two years.”

Ed, who is clerk to Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council and clerk to Churchstoke Community Council, already holds the town clerk qualification, CiLCA and is a board member at UK level for the Society of Local Council Clerks.

Writing contest

Montgomery postmistress Denice Jaunzens challenged residents last year to write about their experiences of lockdown, through creative writing, poetry or an essay.

After much deliberation, Denice, together with judges Barry Lord and Richard Eaves, of Eaves & Lord bookshop, have announced the winners.

The three winners were awarded a book token and a cash prize, sponsored by Montgomery Post Office and Eaves & Lord bookshop.

They are Cyndy Humphreys for poetry, and Charlie Vaughan Jones for the best essay. The prose award winner wished to remain anonymous.

A literary life in the Monty Hour

In the first Monty Hour of March, an audience of around 40 residents watched best-selling crime writer, Myfanwy Alexander, expound on how our rural Montgomeryshire communities influence her work.

As well as her writing, Myfanwy responded to questions about her regular appearances on Radio 4 with popular programmes such as Pick of The Week and Round Britain Quiz where she flies the flag as a member of the, frequently victorious, Wales team.

She also popped up recently on Mastermind Cymru and last year many enjoyed her radio dramatisation of Bloody Eisteddfod with a talented cast bringing the murder investigation vividly to life.

Myfanwy is currently working on her fifth novel.

Myfanwy is also a founder member of the Montgomeryshire Literary Festival.

The planned hosting of the festival by Montgomery has been twice delayed by the pandemic but the stage is now set for June 10-12 2022 and Myfanwy will present a session on literature in Welsh.

On March 17, National Trail Footpath Officer, Rob Dingle, will present to the Monty Hour on 50 years of the Offa’s Dyke Path.

To join the Monty Hour, catch up on recordings, or find details of scheduled events on Wednesdays 7-8pm, go to