Guilsfield Singers will be welcoming a new president as their former one will be stepping down after two decades of service with the group.

As former president Christopher Booth-Jones will be stepping down after over 20 years as president, performing with them on several occasions, Guilsfield Singers say they are “delighted” to be welcoming James Llewelyn-Jones as their new president.

A spokesperson for Guilsfield Singers James’ grandfather belonged to Guilsfield Singers and James developed a passion for choral music as a teenager growing up in the area.

“After gaining a Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees with distinction, James launched his career in conducting, working with the National Children’s Choir of Great Britain for 11 years and as Director of Côr Meibion Canoldir, Birmingham for 17 years.


“He is currently Musical Director of Rhos Male Voice Choir, Cantores Beati, Midlands Hospitals Choir, Phoenix Singers Birmingham and the National Male Choir of Great Britain. Therefore, the choir is honoured and privileged to have James as their president, and is looking forward to working with and learning from him.”

James will be performing with them as baritone soloist in their Spring Concert on May 11, in Welshpool Methodist Church at 3pm, in a programme of ‘Inspiring Music for the Modern World’ with pieces by Karl Jenkins, Bob Chilcott, Will Todd, Ola Gjeilo and Charles Stanford.

Tickets are £10, while under 18-year olds can enter for free, and are available from Welshpool Jewellers or by calling 01938 552597.