Welshpool’s Community Hub and its team of volunteers received an award in recognition of its initiative and practices.

Meeting at the Town Hall every Thursday, Welshpool’s Community Hub received One Voice Wales' Innovative Practices award, being highly commended in the Community Initiatives category on April 2.

One Voice Wales is the principal organisation for community and town councils and holds an annual awards project to celebrate and recognise good work in community councils across Wales.

The hub, which first opened in November 2022 as a way to provide help to people in the area during the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, is run by team of volunteers who accepted the commendation at the town hall.  


A spokesperson for Welshpool Town Council said: “A huge thank you to the Mayor Cllr Nick Howells, all the volunteers and all the organisations who support - either by doing drop ins or giving donations, volunteering or all three - and the visitors for helping to be high commended for this award.”

While winter may be over, the hub is still holding weekly meetings and events, including a session on April 9, between 10am and 2pm, where Powys Council’s financial support officer Dave Morris, Annette Bright from the council’s money advice team and resident engagement officer Helen Griffiths will be present to give advice for anyone visiting.