Forget-Me-Not Environmental, Wildlife and Animal Protection, a group based near Welshpool, will be holding their last hen re-homing session of 2023. 

Throughout November, the wildlife charity will be making a push to re-home numerous hens in their final push of the year. 

Charity co-founder Sarah Brayne said: “‘’We are asking all those who have re-homed hens before and newcomers to hen rescuing, to contact us as soon as possible via email, phone or Facebook to reserve their hens for the last rehoming of the year.


“These hens have been inside for far too long and to give them the chance to live out the rest of their lives being cared for and living outside, able to scratch in the dirt, peck at the grass, with somewhere safe to sleep at night and behave as hens should do, would be incredible.”

Anyone interested can contact the charity on email via or by phoning 07504197588.